News Items – May 17, 2017
Chelsea Haley is a member:
Ambrose students tackle climate change apathy
Quad-City Times (IA)
If your image of a social worker begins and ends with someone who works with abused children or mentally challenged adults, then you haven’t kept up. Nowadays the profession also addresses broad issues affecting human welfare, including climate change. That’s “because without a healthy, living planet, we don’t stand a chance to do the other things,” said Chelsea Haley, who is working on her master’s degree in social work at St. Ambrose University, Davenport. As part of her course work, and to combat what she sees as apathy toward changing climate, Haley and fellow student Kate Morris are organizing a series of four seasonal “mindfulness” tours of Davenport’s Nahant Marsh.
Kathleen Delp is a member:
[Video] Symptom treatments for Huntington’s Disease
Fox17 (MI)
Huntington’s Disease affects about 30,000 people in the United States and about 200,000 are at risk. Kathleen Delp, a licensed clinical social worker and certified genetics counselor at Spectrum Health, explains what the disease is, symptoms to look out for, and a special informational event coming up. Huntington’s Disease is a progressive inherited neurological disease that includes cognitive decline, involuntary movements and balance problems, and mood changes.
Michael Reeves is a member:
New Drug Treatment Options in the Springfield Area
A new drug treatment center in the capital city held its grand opening Monday. The Rebound Health Systems is an outpatient treatment center and will offer services such as DUI assessments, group therapy, and counseling. Patients will also have access to medical professionals. The owner, Michael Reeves, who is also a recovering addict, says he’s determined to help addicts and their families. “We work to offer services to every individual, insurance and without, we’ll do whatever we can,” Licensed Clinical Social Worker Michael Reeves said. “We offer sliding fees and scales and it’s just we are here to help you during a traumatic time and we believe in treating the whole family because it is a family disease.”
Controversial Religious Liberties Bill Passes Texas House
Spectrum News
Opponents argue it will harm kids and keep good people from caring for them, and that the legislation could be too broad. “It shifts all of the power to the provider, and takes it all away from the child, and that’s not how the fundamental principal of our child welfare system should work,” said Will Francis, Government Relations Director of the Texas Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. But the author of the measure says the bill has been misconstrued in the media.
Michelle Dillingham is a member:
Seven questions for Michelle Dillingham, Cincinnati’s neighborhood candidate for city council
Daily Kos
3. I believe no one gets elected without a community of supporters, especially if you’re trying to do it without big donors. Tell us about your community.
There is money power, and there is people power. I am so grateful, and humbled, to be able to say I have people power. My support comes from many places—connections I’ve cultivated from my professional life as a social worker. My professional association the NASW-OH (National Association of Social Workers -Ohio) was my first major endorsement.
Denise Malm is a member:
How do you talk to an aging parent about giving up the car keys?
Q13 Fox (Seattle, WA)
Driving safety is a daily conversation at the center. “I can’t tell you how many times I have talked to an older adult about, so how are you getting around?” social worker Denise Malm said.… It’s a heartbreaking thing because giving up their car keys also means losing a lot of independence. Malm says the key is to include your parents when finding alternative solutions. “I love you and I worry about you and I just want to you to be safe, but I am not going to take away your keys, I want you to be a part of the solution,” Malm said in suggesting how to approach the subject with a parent or grandparent.
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