News Items – November 17, 2011
St. Jude Hospital Tries New Idea for Caregivers
The Epoch Times
“St. Jude is phenomenal in the research it does—not just medical there is also a lot of focus on the psychological side of cancer,” said clinical social worker Summer Freeman in a phone interview. She facilitates sessions of therapeutic scrapbooking for caregivers of children who are getting treatment at St. Jude.
The panel will expand its focus in response to the Penn State scandal.
Mandatory reporters generally work in education, child care, mental health, law enforcement and social work. They include all licensed physicians, nurses, psychologists, counselors, school employees and child care center workers.
NEW – Penn State students create crisis response team
The Tribune-Democrat
“For example, the Business and Communications schools could have been handling PR and Marketing while the Psychology and Social Work schools could have worked on grief counseling for students and families.” The group, which also sponsored the “blue out” campaign for last week’s football game against Nebraska, has created a Facebook page to help distribute information after former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was arrested on charges that he sexually abused eight boys, some on campus.
Rep. Towns Reintroduces Bill to Increase Support Professionals at High-Need Schools
Bed-Stuy Patch
H.R. 3405 would increase the recruitment of psychologists, counselors and social workers in high-need urban and rural school districts.
LGBT seniors face harder old age, national study finds
16 and led by Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen and colleagues at the University of Washington’s School of Social Work, indicates that prevention and intervention strategies must be developed to address the unique needs of these seniors, whose numbers are expected to double to more than 4 million by 2030.
“Holiday Blues” and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Mary Talboys, LCSW with the University Neuropsychiatric Institute says, “The holiday season can be a time of joy, cheer, parties and family gatherings. But for many people, it is a time of extreme stress, self-evaluation, loneliness and anxiety.
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