News Items – February 16, 2012
HIV Advocates Say Medicaid Expansion Could Challenge Patient Care
The sudden transfer of tens of thousands of people from one program to another worries HIV health care advocates like Januari Leo. “I want this transition to be smooth,” Leo said. “I want people to remain in care. I want service organizations to understand the gravity of this situation, and that they have to begin acting now.” Leo works at Legacy Community Health Services in Houston, which specializes in HIV care. Legacy accepts patients on Medicaid, but many other HIV clinics and doctors don’t.
Self-Injury as a Pathway to Relief
Duke University
Clinical Social Worker Carolyn O. Lee from Raleigh presented the subject of self-injury at the Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds at the Duke Hospital on Jan. 19. She provided a clear image of what motivates “cutting” and other self-injury, and who it may affect. She also suggested solutions.
Social Workers Should Reclaim Role in Juvenile Corrections System …
Less than 2 percent of trained social workers are employed in the corrections system, according to the National Association of Social Workers.
‘If I only had a heart’
Brainerd Daily Dispatch
“Even though you’re not being paid as a caregiver, you need to think of yourself in a professional context,” said Jamie Huysman, a psychologist, licensed clinical social worker and managing partner at at Partners in Health & Entertainment Management in Miami, explaining that caregiving is a job.
Fed-up dad’s violent outburst draws fire from parenting experts
“Public humiliation isn’t a recommended strategy,” says Carrie Cohen, a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist. “He models an aggressive and hostile approach to problem solving.”
Response critical during suicide aftermath
Pasadena Sun
The portion of the brain that controls impulse and emotion is not fully developed until about 24 years old, said Susan Lindau, a Los Angeles-based licensed clinical social worker who specializes in severely depressed and suicidal patients.
Josh Powell’s house was sham to fool social workers
By Chris Sullivan Pierce County detectives say the rental home that Josh Powell used to murder his two boys was nothing more than an empty shell that he used to fool state social workers.
Will Protecting Our Children change public perceptions of social work?
The Guardian
The programme followed child protection social workers in Bristol and has been followed closely by those in the profession. We’ve also covered the programme both on Twitter and on the network. Peter Beresford wrote this week that the programme showed that adults in child protection cases could do with their own dedicated social workers.
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