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News Items – April 4, 2018



Kathy Wehrmann is the president of NASW:
Illinois Lieutenant Governor hopes to break cycle of opioid addiction
Last September, Illinois created an opioid task force and action plan. Since then the group has expanded the availability of Naloxone to the public. They also created a 24/7 helpline and physicians are now required to monitor prescriptions to prevent “doctor shopping.” “These are difficult times for our social safety net and for really addressing this type of problem, you have to keep up the drum beat,” said Kathy Wehrmann, President of the National Association of Social Workers.

Samantha Howell is executive director of NASW-NYS Chapter, and Candida Brooks-Harrison is president of the NASW-NYC Chapter:
[Audio] Capitol Pressroom – debating expansion of types of clinicians able to treat addictions and other conditions
[Begin at 38:19] Any treatment plan does have to be approved by two licensed professionals but not everybody supports this exemption and today we’re going to hear the other side of the issue with two guests Samantha Howell is executive director of the New York State chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and on the phone we’re joined by Candida Brooks-Harrison the president of the New York City chapter of the National Association of Social Workers.… I think it’s really important to understand what kind of work you do.

State brings social workers into parole, probation office
SF Chronicle
The Delaware Division of Social Services is hoping to make it easier for ex-offenders to access a social worker. The News Journal reported Saturday that the division embedded a social worker and supervisor at a New Castle County parole and probation office about two months ago. The social workers help with things like getting IDs and finding employment. The division’s director, Ray Fitzgerald, says the goal is to support people returning from incarceration to increase their chance of re-entry success. The state has also assigned social workers to libraries and community centers.

Erica Kress is a member:
Parents urge you to talk to your children after reports surface of online condom snorting
WZVN (Fort Myers, FL)
Experts say it’s social media where teens can be the most impressionable; hungry for likes, shares, retweets, and subscribers. That’s why licensed clinical social worker therapist Erica Kress urges you to monitor your child. “Their brain is still growing,” said Kress. “Like I tell my children, your impulse control is really small at that point, and you need some help and monitoring.” Kress says monitoring your child’s online viewing habits can be a clear indicator if they’re a leader or a follower. In other words: how likely are they to try dangerous online challenges?

Bethany Kassar is a member:
Major League Baseball catcher, 28, reveals he was hospitalized with anorexia and bulimia in high school as he battled to make it in pro sports
The Daily Mail
[Mike] Marjama’s experience with eating disorders was fairly typical, according to Bethany Kassar, a licensed clinical social worker and executive director of outpatient services at Summit Behavioral Health. ‘Eating disorders are typically thought of as a women’s disease even though men have always had them,’ Kassar told Daily Mail Online. One third of the estimated 30 million people in the US who suffer eating disorders are men, according to the National Eating Disorder Association.

Tricia Kayiatos-Smith is a member:
8 Things You Should Know Before Going on Antidepressants for the First Time
Self Magazine
In a healthy treatment plan, taking medication might be only one part of the puzzle. While medication can be incredibly beneficial to some, and in some cases, a literal life saver, it’s crucial to understand that it’s often just one part of effective treatment. “The best treatment plan is, in my opinion, one that is diverse and layered,” Tricia Kayiatos-Smith, M.S.W, a Los Angeles–based clinical social worker and psychotherapist, tells SELF. Therapy, a support group, and staying in tune with how you feel are all valid additions to your toolbox, she says. So is self-care, which is an integral part of my journey with depression.

Carole Moore is a member:
Bloom where you’re planted: Sow the seeds of your own happiness
Daily Journal (Tupelo, MS)
But many people feel unhappy and trapped in their daily routines and interactions. “Even the most successful, moneyed people don’t always feel good enough,” said board-certified clinical social worker Carole Moore, who has a counseling practice in Saltillo. “It’s all in how you perceive yourself.” As any backyard gardener knows, blooming takes time and effort. “There aren’t quick fixes,” Moore said. “Tending the garden and pulling the weeds is work.”

Carla Naumburg is a member:
To Raise Resilient Kids, Be a Resilient Parent
The New York Times
Resilience depends on an understanding that emotions — even those considered “negative,” like sadness, grief or anger — aren’t a problem to be fixed, but a natural consequence of being human. “The thing about emotions is that they don’t last forever; there’s a beginning, middle and end to all of them,” said Carla Naumburg, a clinical social worker and author of “Ready, Set, Breathe: Practicing Mindfulness With Your Children for Fewer Meltdowns and a More Peaceful Family.” More than that, allowing ourselves — and our children — to experience and express a full range of emotions is vital to our well-being.

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