Center Offers Respite to Caregivers of the Elderly
As our population ages, more Americans are finding themselves caring for elderly spouses and parents with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other illnesses.
The Greenwich Time in Connecticut did a bang up news article on Greenwich Adult Day Care, a center that provides services and a welcome respite for people who care for aging relatives. National Association of Social Workers member Lise Jameson, MSW, is director of social services at the center.
“It’s been my salvation,” said B.J. Hocter said of the center, which provides day care for her husband Don, 82, who suffers from Alzheimer’s. “I just treasure the moments I have to myself because I know he’s being cared for.”
To read the full story click here.
Q: Considering current demographic trends do you think more social workers should choose a career path serving the elderly? What are the challenges and rewards of working in this area?
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