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Showing Emotion is not Bad for Boys

Jennifer Kogan

National Association of Social Workers member Jennifer Kogan, explains in this Washington Post blog why it is important to let boys cry and express other emotions.

Our culture actively encourages boys to become more stoic, with some parents discouraging boys as young as four or five from crying.

However Kogan, who cited several studies in her blog, said boys who are more emotionally expressive were less likely to develop depression or consider suicide, which occurs more frequently in males after age 16.

Getting boys to express what they are feeling could also help prevent future relationship problems, Kogan, MSW, LICSW, said.

“My concern starts with the boys themselves and extends to the men they will become and the families they will create,” she said. “Oftentimes, when I am working with a couple in therapy, men will tell me they, ‘aren’t good with feelings’ or, ‘they don’t have a lot of feelings.'”

Social workers such as Kogan help children and families overcome life’s hurdles. To learn more visit the National Association of Social Workers’ “Help Starts Here” Kids and Families website by clicking here.


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  1. Most people say that the male species aren’t suppose to cry or show emotion, and that it is always the female species who does the crying. I, in a way, disagree. There are many women in this day and age who are strong enough to not cry over every little thing. No one said that men are going to be like women when it comes to their emotions, that, I personally think, would be chaotic. Men are naturally stronger than women and there is no changing that. But, that still does not mean that men cannot show emotion. When men feel they want to show emotion, they should have the right to do so and not be judged. Men aren’t made of stone. It comes down to equal rights. Some emotion turns into anger and rage, male or female, and should always be controlled, no matter what. That is the only thing that should be the main concern at this point – how you deal with your emotions.

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