Getting inside a bully’s head

Cheryl Hurst. Screenshot courtesy of Bronx News 12.
What goes on inside the head of a child or teenager who bullies? What makes them so cruel to others?
National Association of Social Workers member Cheryl Hurst, a clinical social worker at the Montefiore School Health Program, told New York’s Bronx News 12 that bullying is complex during this interview.
Often the person who bullies others have low self esteem and try to control others because they have little control over their own lives.
Adults must work with both the bully and the person who is bullied to make sure they both feel secure and safe, Hurst said.
You can read more about how the National Association of Social Workers has called on social workers to speak out against bullying. Social workers also help young people overcome life’s hurdles, including bullying. To find out more go to NASW’s “Help Starts Here” Kids and Families website.
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