Organize a Group to See “Oranges and Sunshine”
“Oranges and Sunshine,” the film about social work heroine Margaret Humphreys, is premiering in U.S. cities over the next three weeks.
Humphreys, who is portrayed by Oscar-nominated actress Emily Watson, discovered Great Britain sent more than 100,000 foster children overseas without permission from parents.
These children were sent to Australia, South Africa and other British Commonwealth nations. Some were forced to work or abused. Others have struggled for years to overcome trauma and find their birth families.
The film follows Humphreys’ investigation of this practice and quest to get Great Britain and other nations to recognize and help the victims.
Cohen Media Group, the U.S. distributor of the film, wants social workers to see the film and is offering discounted group tickets in selected cities. Here is information on how to get them:
Theater: AMC Village 7
Address: 766 3rd Avenue, New York, NY 1003
Film Opening: October 21
Group Sales Policy:
Minimum 50, must pay with company check or credit card. Does not have to be a corporation. Must be purchased in bundles of 50, each ticket $7.50. Applicable to all AMC locations in the US.
Contact: 1-800-262-4849, option 3.
Theater: City Cinema Cinema 123
Address: 1001 3rd Avenue, New York, NY 10022-1207
Film Opening: October 21
Group Sales Policy: All discount rates at branch manager’s discretion. Minimum 25, mandatory advance purchase. $7 each.
Contact: Rachel Gibson, 212-871-6838
Theater: City Cinema Beekman Theater
Address: 1271 2nd Avenue, 1271 2nd Avenue, New York, NY 10021
Film Opening: October 21
Group Sales Policy: Call for details
Contact: Rachel Gibson, 212-871-6838
Theater: Laemmle’s Monica 4-plex
Address: 11523 Santa Monica Blvd. West Los Angeles, 90025
Film Opens: October 21
Group Sales Policy: Group of 25-100 people at $6 per ticket.
Contact: 310-478-3836
Theater: Landmark Center
Address: 10850 West Pico at Westwood Blvd., next door to Barnes & Noble – Enter on Westwood Blvd. or Pico
Film Opens: October 21
Group Sales Policy: Purchase a Goldbook: 25 tickets for $181
Contact: Diane Arnold at or call 310-312-2355
Theater: Landmark Kendall Square
Address: 1 Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02139-1562
Film Opens: November 4
Group Sales Policy: Purchase a Goldbook — 25 tickets for $181
Contact: Diane Arnold at or call 310-312-2355
Theater: Landmark Bethesda
Film Opens: October 28
Address: 7235 Woodmont Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814-2951
Group Sales Policy: Purchase a Goldbook — 25 tickets for $181
Contact: Diane Arnold at or call 310-312-2355
Theater: AMC River East
Film Opens: October 28
Address: 322 East Illinois Street, Chicago, IL 60611
Group Sales Policy: Minimum 50, must pay with company check or credit card. Does not have to be a corporation. Must be purchased in bundles of 50, each ticket $7.50.Applicable to all AMC locations in the United States.
Contact: 1-800-262-4849, option 3
Theater: Landmark Embarcadero
Address: One Embarcadero Center, Promenade Level, San Francisco, CA 94111
Film Opens: October 28
Group Sales Policy: Purchase a Goldbook — 25 tickets for $181
Contact: Diane Arnold at or call 310-312-2355
Theater: Landmark Metro
Address: 4500 9th Avenue N.E., Seattle, WA 98105
Film Opens: October 28
Group Sales Policy: Purchase a Goldbook — 25 tickets for $181 or
Contact: Diane Arnold at or call 310-312-2355
Theater: Landmark Ritz on the Bourse
Address: 400 Ranstead Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Film Opens: October 28
Group Sales Policy: Purchase a Goldbook — 25 tickets for $181
Contact: Diane Arnold at or call 310-312-2355DALLAS
Theater: City Cinema Angelika
Address: 5321 East Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75206
Film Opens: November 4
Group Sales Policy: Groups of 25 or more are admitted for only $6.00 per person.
Contact: You can contact the theater at (214) 841-4712
“Oranges and Sunshine” has been shown in theaters in Great Britain. To read a review in The Guardian click here. And to learn more about how social workers get involved in international issues, including child trafficking and immigration, visit the National Association of Social Workers’ Human Rights and International Affairs Department Website by clicking here.
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