News Items – September 5, 2014
[Video] Another group comes out in favor of later school start
WKYC-TV [Cleveland, OH]
The American Academy of Pediatrics is urging middle schools and high schools to start school later in the day. Teens’ biological clocks often make it tough to wake up and tough to focus in school. The AAP recommends that middle and high schools start at 8:30 a.m. or later so teenagers can better adapt to biological changes to their sleep patterns. The National Association of Social Workers Ohio Chapter has endorsed the later start times as well.
Colorado child caseworkers feel vindicated by caseload study
Brush News-Tribune
Child protection caseworkers who try to prevent abuse and neglect were the least surprised last week when the state auditor announced that Colorado needs 574 more of them. It was vindication. Caseworker reaction to the study was basically, “No, duh!” said Renee Rivera, executive director of the Colorado chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. “Finally, a hard, cold, scientific study that’s backing up what those in the field have known for a long time,” she said. “It was a sigh of relief.”
The writer, Marylou Sudders, is a member:
No quick fixes to mental health system — it will take comprehensive reform
Boston Globe
Hidden in the shadows of the highly touted Massachusetts health care system is its long-neglected mental health system. As the superb Globe series “The longest road” (Page A1, Aug. 24-26) points out, mental health services are, at best, a string of unconnected component parts — multiple hospitals, outpatient therapists, jails, courts, and police — not a system by any definition.
How social work can tackle its morale problem
The Guardian (UK)
Sometimes when reading discussions about social work it feels like our profession has an external locus of control too: the media are out to get us, while the government wants social work to be subordinated to big business interests such as Serco. Everything that happens to our profession is framed as being dependent on other people.
Who Benefits? . . . Our Students Do!
Chicago Tribune
Last year just weeks after school started John, an 8th grade student in an Aurora public school was not adjusting well and was struggling to stay on task and pay attention to his teacher, his assignments and he was simply not fitting in with his peers. His teacher referred John to a social worker who works with the students and families at the school to create the best possible learning experience for her students. The social worker was also tasked with having an Intern assigned to help her and to learn first-hand how to best help students who are struggling. The intern is not paid and is a part of the Communities In Schools Intern Program.
Desmond Patton is a member:
Students gather to reflect on Ferguson incident over the summer
The Michigan Daily
Wednesday’s forum began with faculty members sharing their reactions to the incident. Among the speakers was Desmond Patton, an assistant professor of social work and assistant professor of information, who discussed his recent visit to Ferguson. While he did witness the protests in the street, he also saw the other areas of the neighborhood living peacefully, offering him a unique perspective on the town.
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