News Items – September 10, 2012
With Medicaid, Long-Term Care of Elderly Looms as a Rising Cost
The New York Times
With baby boomers and their parents living longer than ever, few families can count on their own money to go the distance. So while Medicare has drawn more attention in the election campaign, seniors and their families may have even more at stake in the future of Medicaid changes — those proposed, and others already under way.
Meet Nichole Grube, New Social Worker at Three Elementary Schools
I learned of the opportunity for the school social work position in Elmbrook and took a chance to interview as I heard many wonderful things about the school district. I am very honored that I was chosen for the position and have found the professionalism, compassion and direction to all match perfectly to my vision for education.
List of hot ‘encore jobs’ for older workers looking to shift to careers with social purpose
Washington Post
SOCIAL SERVICES, COUNSELING AND COACHING: Bereavement/grief counselor; Child care worker; Pastoral counselor; Addiction counselor; Career/vocational counselor; Career coach; Social worker; Elder advocate and gerontology worker.
More boomers aspire to careers with social purpose
CBS News
But for people whose primary career was focused in the social purpose arena — at a nonprofit, or in social work or education, where money is not the main motivator — many of these encore reinventions don’t involve a pay cut at all.
First Things First: 50 shades of what?
“I think women who are intrigued by this book have to ask themselves, what is it about this guy that appeals to you?” said Pam Johnson, a licensed clinical social worker. “Being willing to turn over the keys to your life to someone who wants to dominate and control you has a very high price tag.”
Anti-truancy cases overwhelm DHHR staff
Charleston Gazette
Social workers say a new effort led by West Virginia’s judicial system to curb the state’s growing student truancy problem has overrun them with truancy cases that they’re unprepared to handle. “Before the truancies started, I carried caseloads [of ] around 30 or 40,” said Shellie Clegg, a former state Department of Health and Human Resources worker in Jackson County.
A day in the life of … a child protection consultant
The Guardian
I am a social worker by profession and have been for 17 years. I had to give myself the rather grand title of “consultant” because of the range of work that I do. On a typical day I am woken by the telephone at 6.30am. It is the BBC asking if I can do an interview on a breaking story. (I have worked in media since I became independent four years ago).
Monmouth U Awarded Grant for Suicide Prevention
Speakers at the kick-off event included President Paul G. Gaffney, Social Work Professor Michelle Scott, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Franca Mancini and Dean of the School of Social Work Robin Mama.
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