News Items – May 3, 2017
Jesse Bennett is a member:
[Video] ‘Hope Squad’ brings new approach to overdoses
WRAL (Raleigh, NC)
The Raleigh Police Department has joined forces with two North Carolina nonprofits to form what’s being called “The Hope Squad,” a group that is hoping to help those dealing with drug problems. The clip features Donald McDonald of Recovery Communities of North Carolina, and Jesse Bennett of NC Harm Reduction Coalition.
Angela Wallick is a member:
Poverty issues in rural Nebraska, urban areas overlap, but representatives grapple with different solutions
Omaha World-Herald
Angela Wallick is the clinical director at Southwest Iowa Families in Clarinda, which provides social and mental health services for families. Wallick suggested the key is integrating various support systems: job training, transportation, child care. She said she’s seen clients land a job and perform well and still run into problems. “If they can’t get there because of transportation or if they’re likely to get fired because they have a sick child or a child who’s acting out in school, then they’re back to being unemployed,” she said.
Lenard Kaye, the writer, is a member:
Fighting the scourge of the social isolation of seniors
Bangor Daily News
Aging Mainers across the oldest and most rural state in the nation are a stoic and fiercely independent lot. But like the millions of their counterparts in other rural states, they may be losing the battle when it comes to protecting themselves against the devastating consequences of living a socially isolated and lonely life. Social isolation is a killer and more older Americans are living isolated lives than ever before. The prevalence may be as high as 43 percent among community-dwelling older adults. Perhaps that is why the National Association of Social Workers, the World Health Organization, AARP, and the National Institutes of Health have recognized the need to place social isolation on the list of major challenges and high priority threats to societal well-being. It is a perplexing, potentially lethal problem impeding a successful and productive old age.
Richard Barth, Nancy Dickinson, Geetha Gopalan, and Nalini Negi are members:
Marching for Science
UMB News (MD)
Among the thousands of people filling the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on April 22 to raise awareness about the importance of science were faculty members from the University of Maryland School of Social Work (SSW) and the University of Maryland School of Nursing (SON). The event grew out of concern for President Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts to funding for scientific research. Similar marches took place in more than 500 locations throughout the world.
Samantha Dutton is a member:
First responders leery of seeking mental health help
According to data released by the University of Phoenix College of Social Sciences, 85% of respondents have experienced symptoms such as: Lack of sleep (69%); Anxiety (46%); Change in eating habits (38%); Mood swings (28%). Still, 39% say there are repercussions for seeking mental health help at work, such as being treated differently by supervisors, being viewed as weak by colleagues and being looked over for promotions. Samantha Dutton, PhD, MSW, director of the college’s Social Science program, says the data in the survey is in line with what she observed in her 20 years as a clinical social worker in the U.S. Air Force, treating those with similarly stressful careers.
Shirley Fineran is a member:
[Video] Human trafficking in Sioux City IA
Human trafficking is an issue in Sioux City, IA. Sister Shirley Fineran of the Iowa Network Against Human Trafficking is interviewed.
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