News Items – March 25, 2015
Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Senator Debbie Stabenow introduce resolution to support social work
Social Work Helper
March 18, 2015, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Senator Stabenow (D-MI) introduced a Congressional Resolution to highlight the positive impact of social workers on their communities to mark National Social Work Month and World Social Work Day. On March 17th, 2015, World Social Work Day, the first student-led Social Work Advocacy Day was held on Capitol Hill co-sponsored by Congresswoman Lee in conjunction with Former Congressman Edolphus Towns, Congressional Research Institute for Social Work Policy, Social Work Helper, Greater Washington Society for Clinical Social Workers, and Catholic University of America. “This resolution brings long overdue recognition to this important profession that is having a positive impact, both at home and abroad. As a psychiatric social worker, I am proud of the contributions that our nation’s social workers make every day in our communities by supporting the most vulnerable,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee.
Barbara “Bebe” Smith is a member:
Smith garners 2015 Robert E. Bryan Public Service Award
Contact Magazine
School of Social Work Clinical Assistant Professor Barbara Smith has been named the winner of the 2015 Robert E. Bryan Public Service Award from UNC. She was recognized for her work on “Critical Time Intervention: Local Pilot and Statewide Championing.” The Robert E. Bryan Award recognizes individual students, faculty, staff and organizations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for extraordinary public service and engagement.
Barry Ackerson is a member:
Social Work dean set to receive Lifetime Achievement Award
The Daily Illini
On March 25, the East Central District of the National Association of Social Workers will recognize one from the University. Barry Ackerson, associate professor in Social Work and associate dean for academic affairs, will receive the 2015 Illinois NASW Lifetime Achievement Award for the East Central District to honor his work and dedication to the fields of social work and mental health, according to a press release from the district’s website.
School of Social Work devotes daylong event to race relations
USC News
With incidents of unarmed black men being killed by police officers refueling the “race conversation,” the USC School of Social Work focused its annual All School Day event on the theme “Race Relations in the 21st Century: Is It Just a Black and White Issue?”… All School Day began in 1992 after racial tensions sparked the Los Angeles riots. Each year since, the School of Social Work has brought people together to discuss how society can better communicate across differences in race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, social class and disability.
Mary Garrison is a member: Macon County homelessness a stubborn foe Herald-Review The population of homeless people in Macon County has dropped from levels seen the past couple years. Yet the number of chronically homeless, defined as someone with a disability who has had no place to stay for a year or more or who has experienced at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years, has continued to climb. These were among highlights from an annual census shared Wednesday by Mary Garrison, associate professor of social work at Millikin University, and her research assistants during the annual Affordable Housing Breakfast of the Decatur-Macon County Homeless Council Continuum of Care Advisory Committee.
A Home with Heart
Metro Weekly (Washington, DC)
“If I can make it, anyone can,” says Ruby Corado as she walks around an empty three-story house in Columbia Heights. The building is in the initial stages of renovation. It will open later this spring as transitional housing for homeless and vulnerable LGBT youth.… The house will be staffed by nine employees, most of whom will serve as housing monitors. But the house will also have a clinical social worker and other unpaid volunteers who will donate their time to help house residents get into contact with schools or potential employers.
Social workers vital to vets
Baltimore Sun
More than any other profession in the human service field, social workers constitute an invisible army making enormous differences in the lives of millions of Americans. In just about every arena, social workers help individuals and families build support and empower them to improve their lives. March is Social Work Month, a time to remember and thank social workers for their tireless diligence in tackling persistent social issues such as poverty, lack of access to education and health care, as well as connecting individuals to appropriate community resources and giving voice to the vulnerable and helpless.
Despite overwhelming caseloads, social workers love helping others
Tahlequah Daily Press
Cherokee County is served by an array of dedicated and passionate social workers, most of whom work behind the scene, with little fanfare. “Social workers don’t do it for the money; they do it because they want to help people,” said Cherokee County Department of Human Services Director Steven Edwards.
Social Workers celebrate 60th anniversary
The Norman Transcript (Norman, OK)
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is celebrating of National Social Work Month in March and the 60th anniversary of the association with activities that highlight this year’s theme, “Social Work Paves the Way for Change.” NASW is the largest professional social work organization in the United States, with members employed in more than 50 different fields of practice—including mental and behavioral health, health care, aging, child and family safety, schools, homelessness, veterans support, research and public policy.
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