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News Items – June 27, 2018



Hidenori Yamatani, Michellle Zadrozny is a member:
Why companies need to hire social workers
Fast Company
“Corporations are centered on profit-making,” says Hidenori Yamatani, who oversees the University of Pittsburgh’s new MBA-MSW dual degree program. “It’s not that they’re necessarily unethical . . .  they mean well. They just have not had training like social work students have in the area of social justice, individual rights, and utilitarian principles.” Broadly changing corporate behavior is a heady task, but social workers say their expertise can quickly make the workplace a friendlier and healthier place for employees. Michelle Zadrozny is a clinical social worker in Austin who has worked with numerous companies in the state. She often sees firms implement measures designed to foster a fun workplace that instead are detrimental to employees.

Will Francis is government relations director for NASW-TX:
Texas Officials Allow 15 Immigrant Shelters to Hold More Kids than Licenses Permit
Texas Observer
“Child welfare is being thrown out of the window because the feds say they don’t have enough room,” said Will Francis, government relations director for the Texas chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, upon reviewing the records. “It shows [the state] cares more about maintaining regulations — changing them as necessary — than actually working toward the best outcomes for kids.”

Angelo McClain is cited:
Family separations at border alarm child-welfare experts
Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Child welfare has always been a challenging profession; state and local agencies across America make difficult decisions every day to separate children from their parents. But those agencies have ways of minimizing the trauma that aren’t being employed by the Trump administration in separating immigrant families at the Mexican border. “There are no principles of good child welfare that are being used in this process,” said Angelo McClain, CEO of the National Association of Social Workers.

Dwain Pellebon is a member:
Protesters demand action over separation of families
The Norman Transcript (OK)
Dwain Pellebon, a licensed clinical social worker at Cope, Inc. in Oklahoma City, said the practice is doing potentially irreparable damage to the children. Separation from parents can lead to issues with anxiety and additional mental health problems later in life. “We are dealing with human beings that are going to, without a doubt, experience post-traumatic stress disorder, to anxiety issues, to adjustment issues; we are creating mental health crises for people who are just trying to survive,” Pellebon said. “It does not matter whether or not they are illegal immigrants, if you want to use that term, or undocumented immigrants. The term I want to use is human beings, is families, is children. This is a crisis that is man-made.”

Silvia M. Dutchevici is a member:
7 Critical Differences Between A Healthy Relationship & One That’s Too Good To Be True
“Too good to be true is an interesting concept, as it subconsciously reflects the ways partners feel about themselves,” Silvia M. Dutchevici, MA, LCSW, the president and founder of the Critical Therapy Center, tells Romper in an email exchange. “‘Too good’ implies that one or both partners feel undeserving of a good relationship. Oftentimes, the people we choose to be in relationships with reflect something about ourselves we are working through, therefore if one partner is insecure, the likelihood that the other is also insecure is high. When two insecure people get together it is highly unlikely that the relationship can thrive.”

Billie Chapman is a member:
Veterans center of Chapman’s efforts
The Sheridan Press (WY)
Where you work: Sheridan VA Medical Center. What you do: Licensed clinical social worker for the VA Community Living Center and program manager for the Community Nursing Home Program. … You’ve done some work with Dementia Friendly Wyoming and suicide prevention, too, right? Why are those causes for which you’ve decided to advocate? I have worked with some of the staff from Dementia Friendly Wyoming in collaboration with the VA Caregiver Support Program and Family Caregiver Services at The Hub to plan caregiver support events.

Terry Matz is a member:
Womack adds ‘health care resolutions’ program to help patient, provider
Fayetteville Observer (NC)
Terry Matz’s job, in part, is helping to pick up the pieces. She’s the head of a new program at Womack Army Medical Center — a neutral observer who aims to work with patients and providers after something goes wrong. And since February, she has been building the so-called health care resolutions program from the ground up. As the hospital’s special assistant for health care resolutions, Matz has a unique role at Womack Army Medical Center, but one that is becoming increasingly common in military medical centers.

Ryan Karnoski is a member:
Ryan Karnoski just wants to serve the military
Los Angeles Blade
Karnoski was a leader in his school’s Gay Straight Alliance and volunteered with Special Olympics Washington, among other activities. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Social Welfare and Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies from the University of Washington before getting his Masters in Social Work from that university’s School of Social Work’s Child Welfare Training Advancement Program.… “First and foremost, I’m a social worker and I love being a social worker because it gives me a chance to work directly with individuals and their families to really help people make positive changes in their lives,” he tells the LA Blade. “My experiences with my family members who have served in the military really opened my eyes to the unique kinds of challenges that servicemembers and their families face, with respect to deployment, and combat experiences and some of the really unique challenges families can face when somebody is serving.”

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