News Items, June 14, 2010
Judge: Patronage led to Philadelphia neglect death
The Associated Press
“Here was a woman with a doctorate in social work who ran the operations of an agency so lackadaisically that, in the words of one of her colleagues, ‘It was just a matter of time’ that one of her charges died,” Dalzell said in giving Kamuvaka the maximum term and revoking her bail.
CHS Is First to Learn of Digital Dating Dangers
The New York Times
Columbia High School physical education and health teacher Lisa Delli Santi (left) and Diane Beni, from the Linda & Rudy Slucker NCJW Center for Women’s Teen Dating Abuse Project, presented “Love Is Not Abuse,” a digital dating abuse curriculum, to Ms. Della Santi’s ninth-grade health class yesterday at the high school.
Youth Clubs Build Confidence, Reduce Problem Behaviors
Dawn Anderson-Butcher, an associate professor of social work at Ohio State, conducted a study in which she found that kids can get a great deal of needed support from a youth club.
Adolescents and adventure: How much is too much?
CNN-Paging Dr. Gupta
“Adolescents vary tremendously in regards to their judgment, maturity and the risks that they face in life,” says Frederic Reamer, a professor of social work at Rhode Island College and a member of the National Association of Social Workers.
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