News Items – January 16, 2014
Mary Ann Burg is a member:
Cancer survivors plagued by lack of personal control
After treatment for cancer, survivors often complain about a loss of personal control, a new study found. The study’s lead author said that while the responses can’t be generalized to all cancer survivors, people in the study often mentioned a physical problem or a wish to return to “normal.” “Cancer survivors are often caught off guard about the lingering problems once treatment is complete,” said Mary Ann Burg, a medical sociologist and clinical social worker at the University of Central Florida in Orlando.
Jackie Sharp is a member:
How a small town found better ways to treat those with mental illness
Des Moines Register
With the issues identified, they began focusing on solutions. Leaders traveled to Des Moines to seek input from mental health professionals at Eyerly Ball and Mercy Franklin. The feedback was the complete opposite of what they expected, said Jackie Sharp, a clinical therapist and executive director of Centerville Community Betterment Inc., which provides home community-based services for mentally challenged individuals. The advice to the group: Keeping people with mental illness in their home communities could be an effective treatment, because local leaders know the community and resources.
How Denmark Learnt From Its Own Charlie Hebdo Moment
Denmark’s secret, which French authorities may want to study more closely, is the elevation of the humble social worker. “Denmark hasn’t been afraid to tackle the Islamic radicalism problem,” notes Magnus Ranstorp, a counterterrorism expert at the Swedish Defence College. “Around 2008, it began addressing Islamic radicalism-related crime through prevention work, creating the so-called SSP model where schools, social services and the police work together. What’s equally important is that government agencies on the state level work hand in hand with local authorities.”
Jennifer Olsen is a member:
SOS for Islanders seeking help
Shelter Island Reporter (NY)
In a unique town program, social worker Jennifer Olsen will be working about 12 hours a month this year helping Shelter Island families resolve problems by connecting them with resources specific to their needs. Ms. Olsen is also Shelter Island School’s social worker. As Communities That Care — a national, volunteer-based organization dedicated to curbing alcohol and drug abuse among young people — is winding down its activities here, Island CTC leader Marilynn Pysher spearheaded the idea that, with town funds, Ms. Olsen could offer needed assistance to Island families at no cost to them.
Terry Matlen is a member:
The Queen of Distraction: Birmingham author writes about ADHD
Hometown Life (MI)
Despite her two college degrees, Terry Matlen found herself unable to focus for more than a few minutes at a time. “I couldn’t follow conversations, especially when there were others in the room,” said Matlen. “I’d see their mouths moving, but couldn’t follow what they were saying.” After some intense research, the Birmingham resident discovered she had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – commonly known as ADHD. It’s a condition that affects a person’s attention span.
Larry Davis is a member:
Pitt releases new racial diversity study
Pittsburgh Courier
In releasing its “Pittsburgh’s Racial Demographics 2015: Differences and Disparities” report, University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work Dean Larry Davis said the major finding is that the disparities the school’s Center on Race and Social Problems reported in 2007 still exist. “This comes when disparities are taking center stage in national political discussions. These disparities affect every aspect of our lives,” he said. “Seven years ago, when we released our first report, it was used by foundations and schools, and served as a valuable resource. Relatively little change has occurred in quality of life in Pittsburgh, and the area continues to show major disparities.”
Laura Young is a member:
The best way to recover after a breakup
CBS News
Anyone who’s suffered the end of a relationship knows how tempting it is to push the heartbreak right out of your life with a new fling. But denying the pain, distracting yourself and rebounding right away into someone else’s arms may not be the best way to recover after a breakup. “People drink or go out and hookup to numb the pain of a breakup, but in the morning you still have all the feelings aobut the breakup. It doesn’t stop the feelings, it just delays the feelings,” relationship counselor Laura Young, a licensed clinical social worker, told CBS News.
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