News Items – February 6, 2012
How the Rising Bottom Billion Could Explode Inequality at Home
Newsweek| Niall Ferguson
And yet one night in Davos taught me more about the true meaning of inequality than anything I’ve read or heard in the United States since the launch of Occupy Wall Street. It was the night I met Leymah Gbowee. Forty years young this week, Gbowee won last year’s Nobel Peace Prize for her extraordinary efforts to bring peace to Liberia. Despite all the misery she suffered during her country’s hellish civil war—which raged for 14 long years—she radiates warmth and humor.
Emma Donnan social worker speaks kids’ language
Indianapolis Star
Emma Donnan Middle School social worker Ross Boushehry counsels a boy who had issues with another student. / Kelly Wilkinson / The Star Ross Boushehry engages new students by asking their names and what school they came from.
Class encounters global justice issues locally
Bethel College News
This course prepares students in the social work program to help marginalized people achieve social and economic justice. However, it also meets the Cross-Cultural Learning and Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies requirements for Bethel’s General Education program.
Sunflower House: A gentle path to the harsh truths of child abuse
Kansas City Star
But once the disclosure is made, a police officer or a social worker will talk to the child to ensure safety. Parents are notified. And very quickly, a referral is made to go to a place where a team of professionals comes together to help the child.
David’s Cancer Journey Gets National Attention
Palliative Social Work
For months now, we at SWHPN have been following David’s Cancer Videoblog, a chronicle of David Oliver’s journey as a cancer patient diagnosed with nasal pharyngeal carcinoma.
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