News Items – February 28. 2018
Cossy Hough is a member:
America needs SNAP, not Trump’s ‘harvest box’
Houston Chronicle
Cossy Hough is a clinical assistant professor in the Steve Hicks School of Social Work at The University of Texas at Austin.: The Trump administration has recently proposed an overhaul of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps. Called “America’s Harvest Box,” the overhaul was presented as “a Blue Apron-type program where you actually receive the food instead of receiving the cash.” This is a misleading comparison. Blue Apron delivers boxes of gourmet ingredients and fresh produce, meat and dairy items that clients choose in advance from a variety of menus. America’s Harvest Boxes would deliver processed foods — shelf-stable milk and canned or boxed meats, fruits, vegetables and cereal — selected by the federal government. This represents a step backward both in the access that the most vulnerable in our society have to healthy foods and in their power to exercise choice. The federal government should be strengthening SNAP, not adding more restrictions.
‘No typical day in a social worker’s life’
The Guam Daily Post
Fitting right into March with Mes Chamoru is Social Work Month – a time to celebrate and recognize Guam’s social workers, who truly live in the spirit of inafa’maolek by making things right and good for others each day. This month’s theme is “Para U Nina’låmetgot I Seguridåt Tinaotao Nu I Inafa’maolek, Fina’taotao, yan Inadahi,” or “Strengthening Human Security with Interdependence, Mutual Respect, and Social Care.” [“Mes Chamoru” is Chamoru Month, the celebration of the Chamoru people of Guam.]
National Association of Social Workers will host events for the Social Work Month of March
Pacific Daily News
The National Association of Social Workers, Guam Chapter will be hosting special events for the 2018 Social Work Month of March. This year’s theme is: Para U Nina’låmetgot I Seguridåt Tinaotao Nu I Inafa’maolek, Fina’taotao, yan Inadáhi “Strengthening Human Security with Interdependence, Mutual Respect, and Social Care.”
Carolyn Karoll is a member:
7 Red Flags That May Indicate A Larger Mental Health Issue
Licensed Clinical Social Worker Carolyn Karoll tells Bustle that if you think you might be struggling with your mental health, you should ask yourself the following questions: “Does the problem negatively affect the way you feel about yourself?”, “Does it negatively impact others or how others see you?”, and “Does it interfere with your ability to participate in activities of daily living (work, sleep, etc.)?” If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, the problem requires addressing.
John Richardson-Lauve is a member:
[Video] Helping Kids Survive Trauma (Richmond, VA)
John Richardson-Lauve, LCSW with ChildSavers stopped by the studio to preview the 2nd talk in the Leadership Metro Richmond Lora M. Robins Speaker Series “Barriers to Learning: How Trauma Impacts RVA Children.” John will speak following a conversation with James Redford.
Danielle Forshee is a member:
Is Happiness A Choice? Experts Break Down How You Can Choose Positivity In Life
Elite Daily
Of course, happiness can, and should, be considered in the context of nature versus nurture. For instance, I personally grew up in a very loving environment where I was showered with affection, and I came across multiple smiling faces every single day. This means, according to Danielle Forshee, LLC, doctor of psychology and licensed clinical social worker, that my positive outlook on life could likely be connected to the life experiences I’ve had thus far. The other side of this, Forshee tells Elite Daily, is that negative experiences can also determine how someone “views themselves and their circumstances.”
Jean Fagerstrom is a member:
Compassion begins at home
The Park Bugle (MN)
We are self-critical perfectionists, eager to recite the litany of our offenses against competence, social desirability and constructive family relationships, while our inner voice flows like molten lava over the self-inflicted wounds to our self-esteem. We would never treat a suffering friend that way, and Jean Fagerstrom says we shouldn’t do it to ourselves, either. Fagerstrom is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Minnesota’s Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing, where she teaches a course in something called “mindful self-compassion.” “Many people have strong inner critics,” she says. “We think [self-criticism] is a good way to motivate ourselves. But the truth is we function better and happier if we learn to be kind to ourselves.”
Christine Gilchrist is a member:
They’ve loved, and lost. Now, once a month, they speak about the unspeakable: suicide
The Virginian-Pilot
Christine Gilchrist, the licensed clinical social worker who founded this support group, the Hampton Roads Survivors of Suicide, encourages everyone to share the graphic details no one else in their lives can stand to hear. This is where you speak the unspeakable. Loosen its grip on your soul.
Enroue Halfkenny is a member:
Art Exhibit Confronts The N-Word
New Haven Independent
During a conversation with the artist, moderated by clinical social worker and therapist Enroue Halfkenny before a standing-room-only audience, [artist Rhinold Ponder] described his own visceral reaction in making the piece. The artist made Keloids by dipping a whip in paint, then snapping and slashing it on up-cycled leather remnants sewn together by the artist’s wife, Michele Ponder.
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