News Items – August 8, 2014
William Cabin is a member:
For-Profit Home Care Agencies Cost Medicare Extra, Yet Provide Worse Care
Lead author William Cabin, assistant professor of social work at Temple University, said: “While our study is the first to show that profit-making has trumped patient care in Medicare’s home health program, that’s no surprise. A large body of research on hospitals, nursing homes, dialysis facilities, and HMOs has shown that for-profits deliver inferior care at inflated prices.” Cabin continued: “Our findings show once again that the free-market, private-sector managed care model has failed.”
Desmond Patton is a member:
From Facebook to the streets: How social media is fueling youth violence in Kalamazoo
Michigan Live
Desmond Patton, a professor at University of Michigan’s School of Social Work, studies the online behavior of young people, affiliated with gangs. Patton describes it as “Internet banging” in his article in Computers in Human Behavior, titled “Internet Banging: New trends in social media, gang violence, masculinity and hip hop.” Patton says internet banging is young people “using social media sites or chat rooms to broadcast their gang affiliation, brag about a recent fight or murder and communicate threats.”
Daniel Ball is a member:
VIDEO: Daniel Ball overcomes adversity, awarded GSK Opportunity Scholarship
Contact Magazine
Incoming MSW student Daniel Ball is a recipient of a competitive award from GlaxoSmithKline, the GSK Opportunity Scholarship. Administered by Triangle Community Foundation, this scholarship fund offers local residents who have overcome significant adversity, the opportunity to pursue their dreams and improve their lives through education or training.
Jennifer Gadd is a member:
Hospitals, Adult Care Homes Big Losers in Budget
North Carolina Health News
The current budget will limit special assistance eligibility to people who earn below 100 percent of the federal poverty level ($11,670 for an individual annually, or $972 per month). Anyone looking to receive special assistance after Nov. 1 who earns more than that amount will no longer qualify. “That could be extremely problematic,” said Jenny Gadd, the group home manager for Alberta Professional Services, which runs several group homes for people with mental health issues in the Triangle and Triad. “It’s hard to tell what the eligibility really is going to look like, but that could really affect people in group homes.”
John Eller is a member:
VIDEO: NC FAST rollout continues amid myriad of challenges
WRAL (Raleigh, NC)
Meanwhile, Medicaid applications continued to roll in through more traditional means. And like food stamps, demand for Medicaid has seen a massive boom, with a 24 percent increase from 2008 to 2013. “When we received all of those cases, counties were already stretched for resources,” said John Eller, who serves as both director of Catawba County Social Services and president of the North Carolina Association of County Directors of Social Services.
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