News Items – August 13, 2013
Ombudsman Concludes Recent NPR Series on Foster Care and S Dakota Natives Was Deeply Flawed (1st of 6 parts)
NPR Ombudsman Edward Schumacher-Matos recently published a 6 chapter review of an investigative series aired on NPR in 2011. He ultimately concluded that the series was deeply flawed and should not have aired. Here is his report.
Senator Amplifies Her Voice to Referee Fiscal Showdown
The New York Times
A former social worker whose first elected job was on the Baltimore City Council (a move that appalled her father, who argued that he had spent a lifetime selling bologna at the family grocery to avoid such career choices for his children), Ms. Mikulski was elected to the House in 1976 and to the Senate a decade later.
Community leaders speak at Hazleton child advocacy group meeting
Court Appointed Special Advocates consists of volunteers from the community who, after training, can advocate for foster children on more of a one-on-one basis than a conventional county social worker can. Children in foster care have a social worker assigned to them, but that social worker may have the cases of 40 children.
Morrisey’s sudden concern with women’s health seems suspect
Herald Dispatch
The writer is President-Elect of the West Virginia Chapter of the NASW.
Iowa House Democrats elect Smith as minority leader
The Gazette
A social worker, Smith is the director of Special Projects at the Substance Abuse Treatment Unit of Central Iowa. He likes to look at all the available research as he considers legislation. “I like to understand the issues, look at all aspects of legislation, what moves the state forward and what I see as problematic,” he said.
Wayne State University School of Social Work Unveils Nation’s First Dual-title Ph.D. in Social Work, Gerontology
The Wayne State University School of Social Work has created the nation’s first dual-title Ph.D. program in social work and gerontology to address social work practitioners’ needs as they help the country’s surging senior population navigate complex urban environments and enjoy unprecedented access to health services under the Affordable Care Act.
PTSD specialist simplifies stress science
Cannon Air Force Base
Tania Glenn, Doctor of Psychology and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, delivered a feelings-free, scientific analysis of the human body’s physiological response to high-stress situations to help Air Commandos understand their biological processes downrange during a briefing at the Landing Zone at Cannon Air Force Base, N.M., Aug. 5.
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