News Items – April 16, 2019
Social Work Conference to Address Post-Trauma Resilience
Public News Service
Childhood trauma is a public health problem, but we can build resilience to its effects – that’s the message planned for Wednesday morning’s keynote address at the spring conference of the National Association of Social Workers, in West Virginia. Research continues to confirm that people who have adverse childhood experiences (ACE) such as abuse, neglect or growing up in a dysfunctional home, have much higher rates of things such as heart disease and alcoholism.
Veronica Hardy is a member:
Top United Way volunteer blends work and faith
For university faculty, the mission is threefold: teaching, scholarship and community service. Community service is the most difficult assignment, unless you are Veronica Hardy. A social work professor in her 10th year at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Hardy recently was named volunteer of the year by the United Way of Robeson County for her work after Hurricane Florence.
Bill increases penalties for attacking DCFS employees, could affect foster kids
Kyle Hillman, an official with the National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter, does not believe this bill will better protect DCFS employees. Instead, he believes it could land foster kids who are already struggling with trauma, in jail for years. “You have an 18-year-old that acts out that, let’s say kicks a social worker in a fit of rage. This individual could be hit with a Class One felony under this bill,” Hillman said. He believes there are other ways to better protect DCFS employees. “If we did a little bit better training, if we had more social workers go into those dangerous situations so they aren’t going at it alone, those would be much more effective at protecting our members than adding higher penalties to existing crimes,” Hillman said.
Brené Brown On Scammers, Astrology & Influencer Culture
Listening to Brené Brown, PhD, LCSW, speak is kind of like going to church — and that’s one reason why her iconic TED talk about vulnerability has been viewed more than 38 million times. Back in 2010, when Dr. Brown’s initial speech went viral, the themes of courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy struck a chord with audiences. Now nine years later, people still quote her talk like gospel, although the world is a much different place.
Martha Vallejo is a member:
Assessing the impact of the family separation crisis
FIU News
A panel of leading experts and practitioners in immigration law and trauma joined the Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs to discuss the impact of immigration policies through shocking statistics and heartbreaking testimonies featured in the latest report by AI Justice, “Family Separation: Broken Systems, Broken Families.” The panel included Cheryl Little, co-founder and executive director of AI Justice; Michelle Marie Ortiz, deputy director of AI Justice; Martha Vallejo; a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist; and Juan Carlos Gómez, director of FIU College of Law’s Carlos A. Costa Immigration and Human Rights Clinic.
Nancy Watson is a member:
Students Create a Pop-Up Makerspace at a Domestic Violence Shelter
With the assistance of Nancy Watson, our school’s licensed clinical social worker, we arranged for Lauren Pagan, director of outreach at CMH, to visit our school to speak with students prior to the event. Pagan led our students in a workshop in which they learned about domestic violence and, especially, how to respect confidentiality.
Lake Travis seeks mental health resources in schools
The Statesman
The district will implement a three-year plan that includes staffing changes for campus counselors and also includes hiring a licensed clinical social worker, mental health training for staff and program initiatives to help students cope with losses ranging from friendship conflicts to college application rejections and to be resilient. Hiring a districtwide social worker will help serve the needs of students who might be at risk for anxiety or depression, Lyon said. Through a referral process, the district’s mental health professional will be able to recommend a long-term solution that could include therapy and other programs that fit the needs of the student, Lyon said.
Melanie Shapiro is a member:
You Were In A Toxic Relationship If Your Ex Said One Of These 4 Things
Elite Daily
“It can be difficult because you may start to feel responsible and part of the problem,” says licensed clinical social worker Melanie Shapiro. “Plus, a toxic relationship can create anxiety and depression, and symptoms of these mental health issues (such as low mood, low motivation, negative thoughts) make it difficult to recognize toxic relationship patterns.”
Alyson Nowicki is a member:
Workshop teaches skills to stay connected
The Globe
Deployments can be a stressful time, especially for families with young children. That’s why Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune’s New Parent Support Program (NPSP) and Families Overcoming Under Stress (FOCUS) program are teaming up for a free workshop for military parents on Friday.… “We were seeing a lot of families with kids under 3 who were having separations coming up,” said Alyson Nowicki, a licensed clinical social worker and home visitor with the NPSP. “We identified there was kind of a gap.”
Lisa Blumberg is a member:
Column: Reasons you shouldn’t fight in front of your kids
Chicago Tribune
Lisa Blumberg is a North Shore-based licensed clinical social worker, who works with individuals and couples, and offers parent guidance. Blumberg said it’s perfectly acceptable to disagree in front of the kids. In fact, if the conversation remains calm and respectful, kids might not even realize you are in a disagreement. But if and when that conversation starts to escalate and become emotional, that’s when it’s wise to take a pause and save it for a later time, or take the fight elsewhere.
Aimee Block is a member:
Peace Mountain Theatre’s ‘Digital Danger’ raises awareness of cyber-risks
Montgomery County Sentinel
The members of the panel are individuals who will address the issues in the play represent a wide range of expertise. They are Aimee Block, clinical social worker/therapist; Dan Brandt Lautman, certified ethical hacker and certified information systems security professional; Lisa Cline, co-chair of Montgomery County Council of Parent-Teacher Association’s Safe Technology Subcommittee; Dane Onorio, a detective with Montgomery County Department of Police’s Special Victims Investigation Division/Child Exploitation Unit; and Lisa Sorensen, Montgomery County Public Schools guidance counselor.
Carla Naumburg is a member:
How to Stop Thinking Your Teen Is ‘Pushing Your Buttons’
The New York Times
“Parents may want to think of themselves as coaches, helping their child practice instead of being disciplinarians,” said Dr. Carla Naumburg, a clinical social worker and author of parenting books including Ready, Set, Breathe: Practicing Mindfulness With Your Children for Fewer Meltdowns and a More Peaceful Family. “Getting mad at your child isn’t going to change the behavior,” she said. “When you get angry, your attention is on the conflict instead of figuring out a solution to the problem.”
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