News Items – April 1, 2014
[Video] Association Of Black Social Workers, First In Corridor
The founding members of a new Corridor association are working to bridge a gap in Iowa. Iowa’s Creative Corridor Association of Black Social Workers will be the first local chapter of the national organization, headquartered in Cedar Rapids. The goal of the group is to develop cultural competency between social workers and the people they serve. “The need is here cause there’s been a large number of black families coming into the area from urban areas,” Linda Topinka, a clinical social worker with Abbe Community Mental Health Center said.
Forensic Social Work and Its Importance in the 21st Century
Social Work Helper
Forensic social work is the application of social work to questions and issues relating to law and legal systems. This specialty of our profession goes far beyond clinics and psychiatric hospitals for criminal defendants being evaluated and treated on issues of competency and responsibility. A broader definition includes social work practice which in any way is related to legal issues and litigation, both criminal and civil. Child custody issues, involving separation, divorce, neglect, termination of parental rights, the implications of child and spouse abuse, juvenile and adult justice services, corrections, and mandated treatment all fall under this definition.
Social workers honor volunteers, employees
Gloria Griffith thought no one noticed her quietly preparing food baskets for homeless people living in hotels, giving socks to seniors at Christmastime or gathering after-school snacks for children. She thought no one noticed when she taught youths how to read. Someone did notice.
VA restores aid to homeless veterans
Detroit Free Press
Carly Brown, a social worker with the Department of Veterans Affairs, and Dave Dyer, a Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services peer specialist, search for homeless veterans on the street in Boston’s financial district Nov. 21. While progress has been made over the past three years, the federal government estimates that nearly 58,000 veterans remain on the streets or in temporary shelters.
Laura Lewis is a member:
UB’s School of Social Work establishes Institute on Sustainable Global Engagement
University of Buffalo
Two professors in the University at Buffalo’s School of Social Work have launched a graduate student and research institute to encourage global activities that extend trauma-informed treatment, human rights perspectives and other themes championed by the UB school to other parts of the world. The Institute on Sustainable Global Engagement is the brainchild of Laura Lewis, director of field education, and Filomena Critelli, associate professor.
Social Work Month:
Remembering Our Roots, Reimagining Our Work: Social Work Practice in the 21st Century
The Huffington Post
This post is co-authored by Dr. Larry Gant, who is a Professor in the School of Social Work and the School of Art/Design at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor. This post was written in honor of Social Work Month 2014.
VA social workers celebrated in March
Midland Daily News
Social workers at VA medical facilities nationwide are taking part in a variety of activities at their local facilities, including the Aleda E. Lutz VA Medical Center in Saginaw, as part of National Professional Social Worker Month in March. The theme for the month is “All People Matter,” chosen to help raise awareness of the American social work profession’s 116-year commitment to improving social conditions and quality of life opportunities for all people.
Let’s all take a moment to think about value of social workers
The Athens News
To the Editor: March is National Social Work Month and a perfect time to highlight the essential role that social workers play in working with all vulnerable populations, especially with older people. Social workers have the specialized knowledge and expertise to address issues facing older Americans, including providing individual and family counseling, psychosocial assessment and coordinating care.
Event To Honor Panhandle Social Workers
(Chadron)-Nebraska’s chapter of NASW (National Association of Social Workers) is sponsoring the “Meet Your Hometown Social Worker” event April 4th state-wide to celebrate forty-one (41) social work professionals in 2014. During the month of March 2014, social workers across the state were recognized on the Nebraska NASW Facebook page.
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