News Items – September 7, 2016
John Cowart is a member:
Someone to Talk to Upon Returning From War
The Atlantic
John Cowart, a veteran himself, worked for 30 years as a social worker before retiring from the Veteran Administration Medical Center in Asheville, North Carolina. He has helped those who fought in conflicts dating back to the Spanish-American war, most notably arranging reunions and trips for veterans with PTSD to visit the national war museums in Washington D.C. I spoke with Cowart about the challenges that many veterans face while reintegrating into civilian life, and how American attitudes towards veterans have changed since the hostile homecomings of those who served in Vietnam.
Sue Razbadouski is a member:
Rockford area experts share tips for dating later in life
Rockford Register Star (IL)
Sue Razbadouski, licensed clinical social worker in the Rockford area, said dating is difficult, especially for those over 50, and people need to be in a good place personally before reentering the dating scene for it to be a successful venture. But success, she said, does not mean going into every potential date with the idea of wedding bells ringing in the near future. “They enjoy talking to them, and then all of a sudden, they want to go from somebody who they are getting to know, to ‘I am going to spend the rest of my life with them.’ They need to stand back some,” Razbadouski said.
David Bingaman is a member:
Men helping men: New group aims to help guys stay healthy in mind and body (IL)
When it comes to taking care of themselves, men can be dangerously dopey dudes. Mental health counseling? Nah, they’ll just power through it. See a doctor? Over their all-too-soon-dead bodies. “Men are socialized to be manly and to be tough, to ‘man-up’ and take the pain,” said David Bingaman, a licensed clinical social worker. “We don’t go to the doctor unless we’re bleeding to death, or our wives or girlfriends make an appointment.”
Michele Weiner-Davis is a member:
So You’re In A Sex-Starved Marriage? Here’s How To Fix It
She ‘Said’
You could be in the throes of a ‘sex-starved marriage’. Marriage therapist and author Michele Weiner-Davis, who coined the term, classifies a sex-starved marriage as one in which couples have sex no more than 10 times a year. Here, we take a close look at the scourge to determine what causes it and how to fix it before it sends you running to a divorce lawyer. “A sex-starved marriage is one where one spouse is desperately longing for more touch, more physical closeness, more sex, more physical affection, and the other spouse is thinking ‘What is the big deal? Would you just get a life – it’s just sex’,” explains Weiner-Davis.
Joanne Goldblum is a member:
California just passed a bill that would subsidize diapers for poor families
In 2013, Joanne Goldblum, a social worker and author of a Yale study exploring the impact of families’ lack of access to diapers told NPR she found a correlation between diaper needs and mental health needs. “Moms who described significant diaper need were at higher risk of having a stress- or mental health-related issue than even those moms who described having food need,” Goldblum said. What’s more, Goldblum added that most childcare centers require that parents provide disposable diapers for their children, which would feed into the problem of “underemployed adults” California legislators mention. “The need is much, much greater than the supply, Goldblum told NPR. “It really is a problem.”
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