News Items – February 20, 2015
Denise Hagerla is a member:
Bill to ban ‘conversion therapy’ advances in Iowa
“I’ve met many adults now who, when they were children, their families were engaged to say homophobic slurs to them, to call them terrible things, to affirm their worst fears that they will not have a family, that they’re heathens, that they’re not somebody who God has chosen to love because of who they are,” said Denise Hagerla, a licensed independent social worker who testified Tuesday. “And those things lead to shame and self-loathing that carries into adulthood.”
Dwight Hymans is a member:
ASWB Publishes New Social Work Exam Guide
One News Page
The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), the nonprofit organization that owns and maintains the social work licensing examinations and supports the social work regulatory bodies in North America, has announced the release of the ASWB Guide to the Social Work Exams in both print and e-book editions.… “Understanding the intent and structure of the exam is key to feeling relaxed and confident when the time comes to take it,” said Dwight Hymans, MSW, LCSW, ASWB executive vice president. “The new ASWB exam guide demystifies how the questions work and how candidates can apply their knowledge to the exam. All of this assists greatly with exam preparation, and it helps exam candidates know what to expect.”
Sarah Hendrix was a member:
Did teen kill family over computer use?
News Grio
Baltimore County detectives traced the suspect’s car registration to an address in Corbin. They reached out to their counterparts there, who went to the address and found the bodies of Kevin Hendrix and Sarah Hendrix and their daughter. Police are looking at Jason Hendrix as the main suspect in the deaths of his parents and sister, according to the Times Tribune newspaper, citing a Corbin city police detective.… At Union College in Barbourville, Kentucky, where Sarah Hendrix was an associate professor of social work, officials said in a Facebook post that the community was heartbroken. “We have lost a member of our family,” the post said, “a wonderful educator, colleague, and friend.”
Two reports detail wide discrimination against transgender Americans
Windy City Media Group
The data, stories and issues raised in the reports entitled Understanding Issues Facing Transgender Americans and Paying and Unfair Price: the Penalty for Being Transgender in America were assembled and co-authored by MAP alongside the Center for American Progress, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), and the Transgender Law Center, in partnership with Center for Community Change, Center for Popular Democracy, GLAAD, National Association of Social Workers, and the National Education Association.
Karen Stipp is a member:
Illinois State University professors honored for extraordinary teaching
Karen Stipp, assistant professor in the school of social work, was awarded the Teaching Initiative Award. “ISU and the School of Social Work value student learning. I’m pleased that some of what happens in my classes can contribute to that learning. I am surrounded by gifted and supportive colleagues. Together we help students build ideas to inform their work in a global community. In the words of Steven Pinker, on last week’s Chipotle sack, ‘We will never have a perfect world, but it’s not romantic or naïve to work toward a better one’,” Stipp said.
Speakers oppose bill to drug-test welfare recipients
Sam Hickman, with the National Association of Social Workers, West Virginia, said money spent on drug testing would be better spent on expanding the state’s limited rehab services. He and several others said studies of other states with similar laws show they do nothing to curb drug abuse, swallow money, uncover virtually no drug abusers and provide no return on investment.
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