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Media Watch: Are Males the Losing Sex?

Image by John Ritter.

The magazine Atlantic Monthly recently published this article on the worsening plight of today’s men.

Males are finding themselves falling behind women financially and socially as the economy becomes less industrialized and women take more service-oriented jobs. More women are also getting undergraduate and graduate degrees than men. Is the new economic era better suited for females, the article ponders?

Social workers are already grappling with this problem. The article interviewed Kansas City social worker and teacher Mustafaa El-Scari, who runs a class to help men grapple with unemployment and their diminished role in family life.

Here’s what El-Scari said to get the attention of his reluctant students, who include men ordered to take the course by judges because they fell behind on child support payments.

“All you are is a paycheck, and now you ain’t even that. And if you try to exercise your authority, she’ll call 911. How does that make you feel? “

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1 Comment

  1. As a society, we collectively struggle to change attitudes, values and roles that have become difficult to maintain. Had anyone asked me the full context of my 12 week 2-hour classes I would simply tell them that society has changed and some of us are trapped in expectations that are impossible to maintain. For example, the civil rights era which included women struggling for equality has required men to change their attitudes, values and role as they relate to women. You tell me who’s job is it educate men and boys about these changes? The government, the church, WOMEN only? Who? Parental authority used to be a collective function but has in the past 50 years become an economic relationship that’s what i was talking about in the full context before the interview. This reality needs serious discussion and study by MEN as well as women for the development of society’s children.

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