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Frederic G. Reamer, Ph.D

test1_clip_image002Dr. Reamer is professor at the School of Social Work, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI. His research, teaching, and social work practice focus on criminal justice, professional ethics, risk management, and mental health.   He is a Rhode Island Parole Board Member, and Rhode Island NPR Program Producer.  In addition he’s authored serveral books: Heinous Crime: Cases, Causes and Consequences; Criminal Lessons; and Teens in Crisis.

Reamer is also an adoptive parent and has written on the subject of ethics and adoption.
Articles by Frederic G. Reamer

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  1. Dr. Reamer is renowned in the social work field. During graduate school my professors had the MSW Students @ Clark-Atlanta University (CAU) of Atlanta, GA, read a lot of his materials. Dr. Reamer’s published materials are helpful and insightful.

    I believe NASW-NC (North Carolina) had Dr. Reamer @ an Ethics Conference/Training a couple of years ago, to my dismay, I was not able to attend. Thus, I look forward to Dr. Reamer coming back to North Carolina, so respective peers and I may have a chance to engage in one of many conferences with him.

  2. I attended one of your seminars “Documentation in the Human Services: Ethical and Risk -management Issues and wanted to speak to you about an urgent matter. Please call 774-826-8066. Thank you.

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